S - Health Application
1. Get started
S Health, Samsungs health application, will guide you to a healthier and happier live. It will need some details about your body, exercises and diet. And then it will help you to achieve your goals. The information you put in the app will make a personalised plan for you, so you can get fitter and healthier.
2. Walking Mate
Walking Mate is a feature of Samsungs health application. It tracks how many steps you make and the distance you traveled.
3. Excercise Mate
Excercise Mate is another feature of Samsungs health application. You can choose a sport and it will measure how many calories you burnt and for how long you worked out.
4. Food Tracker
The Food Tracker allows you to tpye in what you ate, and how much, and it will calculate the calories for you. And you can also take a picture, so you can remember the meal for another time.
5. Weight
You can give your weight or use the Bluetooth Scale, and the app will keep track of your weight and help you get to the right weight.
6. Surroundings
S Health also checks your surroundings and tells you (with the new sensors of Galaxy S4) what the temerature and humitity is, so you can make your surroundings more comfortable and get the best out of your environment.
7. Blood pressure
The app is so advanced that it can even measure your blood pressure, to make sure you stay healthy. You can put your blood pressure in by yourself, or use one of the compatible devices and have it send the data to the app.
8. Simple graphs
S Health will guide you to a healthier and happier live. It will need some details about your body, your exercises and your diet. And then it will help you achieve your goals. The information you put in the app will make a personalised plan for you, so you can get fitter and healthier.
9. Compatible Products
S Health will guide you to a healthier and happier live. It will need some details about your body, exercises and diet. And then it will help you to achieve your goals. The information you put in the app will make a personalised plan for you, so you can get fitter and healthier.